Friday 19 January 2018

School Swimming Gala 2018

Joshua and Brandon have been very busy since Xmas with all the school sport clubs/events that they have been selected for. Between them they have athletics, cross country, football and once again both of them were picked for the school swimming team.
Today they had the inter school swimming gala at the Wickford swimming pool and were both in an individual race and the relay race. We couldn't be more prouder of them as they both represented their school to the highest level and performed absolutely outstanding. Joshua won both his individual race and his team relay. He put in such a strong first leg in the relay that it pretty much carried the rest of the team through. Brandon lost his individual race by a fraction and took 2nd place, but then also went on to storm his relay race with a 1st place.
Both boys did so well that Tina received a personal text message from the head teacher saying how proud she was of them both and how much she enjoyed watching them swim today!

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