Tuesday 27 March 2018

The End of Cubs for Joshua

It doesn't seem that long ago that Joshua was moving up from Beavers to Cubs and now he is moving on to Scouts!!!! For the last four weeks he has been having a transition period by doing Cubs on a Tuesday night and Scouts on a Thursday night, however tonight was his last night at Cubs as his transition is complete and he has achieved his Silver award. So after Easter he will become a full time Scout.

For Joshua's final night at Cubs he took in a load of sweets for all his friends and was given the honour of lowering the Union Jack flag at the end of the session. We are very grateful for all the effort the leaders put in and they have given Joshua some great experiences and memories that will stay with him forever.

Joshua's last night at Cubs with the leaders Carole, Ralph and Andy.

Joshua gets the honour of lowering the Union Jack for his last ever evening at Cubs.

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