Monday, 3 September 2018

Regular Pocket Money Starts

The boys are now at an age where they need to start learning about the value of money, budgeting and being a bit more responsible. They also want some money of their own for when we go out or to buy V-bucks for the Playstation etc. So the time has come for me to give in and let them have a weekly allowance for pocket money.
In the past they have been able to earn money by doing jobs and helping, but have not had anything regular. As a general rule the kids have always got what they wanted (within reason) as long as we have the money available.
Anyway after a bit of googling I was quite surprised at what the going rate is for pocket money lately!!! So after a family discussion at the dinner table we finally agreed on £2.50 a week for Holly, £3.50 for Brandon and £4.50 for Joshua. Then each birthday their allowance goes up by £1 a week. So lets see how this works, September has been the first month we have tried it and 3 days in to the month and the boys have just £2 left to last the remaining 27 odd days (so much for teaching them how to budget!).

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