Thursday, 17 January 2019

Brandon gets Invited to 'High 5' Maths Initiative

We are super proud of Brandon this week as he was invited to participate in an exciting ‘High 5’ initiative running at Bromfords school. This initiative is aimed at Year 5 students who are selected by their teachers from across all the Primary schools in Wickford. What is impressive about this is that each school only got to select 2 pupils and Brandon was one of those picked to represent Abacus Primary School!!!

Initially Brandon had no interest in attending this as he thought it was just an extra after school maths club which would take time away from his PS4!!! However once we explained how privileged he should feel for being selected he finally agreed to go along. So yesterday he had his first session and he was absolutely buzzing afterwards and really enjoyed himself. The focus of the session was to learn about cryptology and solving mathematical problems which is something he hasn’t done in his normal school classes and he found it really interesting and fun.

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