Today Brandon hit the double digit milestone and celebrated his 10th birthday, unfortunately for him it was on a school day. After finishing at Crossfit this morning I rushed home to see him before he headed off to school and to make sure he got to open his presents, even if it did mean I was an hour late for work! Family first though!
His main present this year was a 24" dual suspension mountain bike. After Joshua got his one last year Brandon really wanted one as his old geared mountain bike is way too small for him. This 24" is slightly smaller than Joshua's 26", but still has plenty of room for him to grow in to. One of his other presents was to add some mud guards to the bike as he wanted it to look like a dirt bike. Now we just need some good weather and to head over to Hadleigh mountain bike course!
Brandon's other 10th birthday presents included a jump ramp for his Anki overdrive, new shin pads, the Chelsea development squad football kit, some football books, a Linkin Park CD, Dirt 4 PS4 game and Fortnite t-shirt and finally £30 in cash which he has pretty much wasted on V-bucks.
We didn't go out anywhere this evening as we treated Brandon to a birthday meal on Sunday at the kids favourite restaurant, Spoons in Basildon. So tonight he got to play with some of his presents and celebrate his birthday at home with his family. Holly sang happy birthday to Brandon extremely well as he blew the candles out on his homemade Fortnite cake.
Brandon's new bike and presents all set out for him in the morning. |
I think Brandon is taking after me and had a very good guess at most of his presents. |
The birthday boy now in double digits. |
Brandon also had Victorian day at school today hence the scruffy hair and white shirt. |
Brandon's new dual suspension mountain bike. God knows how I am going to fit another bike in the garage. |
I think Brandon can't wait for Friday evening to wear his new Chelsea Foundation Squad kit at training. |
A homemade Fortnite cake for his 10th birthday. |
Brandon ready to blow out the candles, we couldn't price him from his gaming chair. |
Holly singing happy birthday. |
I'll huff and ill puff. |
I liked this picture which Auntie Nicky sent to Brandon. |
And finally as Dead Pool is currently one of my favourite films - this picture is from me to B. |
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