Very proud of little Holly following in her big brothers footsteps from a few weeks back and getting "Star of the day" at school yesterday. This is her first award since starting at Abacus and her little smile shows how much it means to her. Not sure why her hair is so flyaway after school though!!!
Also yesterday was her bid day at Rainbows as she was officially invested. She repeated her promise very clearly and loudly, however she did struggle with the 3 fingers salute and then looked completely bemused by the left handed hand shakes afterwards. Anyway more badges for Tina to sew on now. Interestingly the 3 finger salute represents the 3 aspects of the Scout promise, Honour God and Country, Help others and Obey the Scout law. Let's see if Holly can abide by her promise!!!
As Holly starts her journey through Rainbows the boys Beavers, Cubs and Scouts seems to have come to an end. They have both been really struggling to go lately and saying that they find it boring, it has become a real drag getting them out of the house for Scouts lately. So we have agreed they can have a month off for now and then we will re-evaluate. I think it is such a shame as it is a difficult club to get in too and they have done so many amazing things over the years. Fingers crossed after a month off they decide they miss it and want to go back.
Holly's first "Star of the Day". |
Very happy with her achievements, but that flyaway hair!!!! |
My little Rainbow about to be invested. |
Listening carefully to the Rainbow promise/ |
Struggling a little with the 3 finger salute/ |
And on goes the badge as Holly is officially a Rainbow now. |
Finally being presented with her certificate and some badges for Tina to sew on. |
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