All our concerns and fears about Brandon's secondary school placing are temporarily behind us with a huge sigh of relief. Fortunately Brandon came to his own senses regarding Bromfords due to various things he had heard and has now done a complete 180 and picked Beauchamps for his number 1 choice. It would also appear that most of his Year 6 friends have come to the same conclusion and so he won't be alone at Beauchamps which is good news.
This was music to our ears as for over a year Brandon has been adamant that he wanted to go to Bromfords and it seemed like anything we did or said to convince him otherwise just made him even less reluctant to change. To add to our concerns the updated government school tables were issued last week and Bromfords scored very badly and well below national average. In my opinion as a responsible parent there is just no way you could put Bromfords as a number 1 choice when there are better options available.
Last night we attended the Beauchamps Open Evening and Brandon had a really great time which was the icing on the cake. He participated in loads of activities and engaged with some of the teachers and staff (not to mention repeatedly trying all the school food samplings!). Anyway as soon as we got home we double checked Brandon was happy with Beauchamps and I only needed one yes from him before logging on to and locking it in for him. In fact our opinion of Bromfords has changed so much I didn't even put it as an option and have put Sweyne down as his number 2 choice.
With Joshua being a Year 7 student he was also at Beauchamps last night but in a completely different role, he was giving parents guided tours around the school and answering any questions they might have.
So now we just have to sit back until March 2nd and hope that e-mail confirmation arrives saying Brandon has his place in Beauchamps. You never know for sure but we are fairly confident as we are in the catchment area and he has an older sibling at the school.
Beauchamps scores highly in the Progress 8 and well above England average. Bromfords well below national average. |
The story doesn't get any better for Bromfords when it comes to EBacc! |
Or GSCE grades. So happy Brandon came to his senses. |
Brandon and Holly doing some maths at the Beauchamps open evening by making a symmetrical iced coockie. |
Both Brandon and Holly wanted to look at the art facilities where they did some stone painting and colouring. |
And after all that worry, Brandon's school selection is finally locked and loaded and not a mention of Bromfords anywhere. |
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