Monday, 28 October 2019

Me and my Princess

So far my indulgence for this year (namely the hot tub) has proven to be worth every penny and is used daily (mainly by me). It's going to be lovely to have the hot tub set up all winter as opposed to the old inflatable which we took down from about October through to March. The main users are me and Holly, the boys might go in once or twice a week and Tina rarely ever goes in there.

Anyway Holly has wanted to go out in to the hot tub of a nighttime for ages and now that the nights are drawing in she can finally do it. Whilst out there a week or so ago I managed to get this absolutely lovely picture of me and Holly chilling in the steaming hot tub. It's got to be my favourite picture of me and my little Princess. 

No words needed, my favourite picture of me and H.

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