Saturday 19 October 2019

The Pumpkin Village

No sooner is Joshua's birthday out of the way and our energy starts to focus on the next major event which is Halloween, Bonfire Night and Bonoween. So after football today we headed over to South Woodham Ferrers to visit the new Pumpkin Village at Marsh Farm.

The place was absolutely rammed and we could barely get a parking space. The village itself was OK and we had a good time and managed to pick up a few pumpkins for Halloween plus a few other bits, but I think we all agreed it wasn't as good as the pumpkin patch place which we have been too for the last two years.

Trying out the pumpkin village at Marsh Farm for the first time.

Now that's a spooky Halloween table.

My little pumpkin.

Brandon really liked the whites pumpkins.

That's a big pile of pumpkins.

Not sure what wigwams  have to do with pumpkins.

Holly managed to find some corn on the cob.

Brandon at the pumpkin village looking for that perfect pumpkin for carving.

Some good displays make for great photo opps.

Rocking horses!!!!

Trust Josh and Brandon to start throwing pumpkins around.

Holly wanted to bring this one home but she couldn't even lift it off the ground.

That's more Holly's size.

Spot the pumpkins.

Simple carving, but love the ideas of the leaf mouth and flower eyes.

Love this picture of Brandon and Holly, for once not arguing and fighting.

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