Friday, 14 February 2020

Baby Sitting Olivia and Losing Her!

For the second time Holly has been allowed to bring the Rainbows mascot doll, Olivia, home for a week. The idea is that the Rainbows are supposed to take pictures of Olivia joining in with typical weekly activities and then they have to update a journal before returning it back for someone else to take. It seems like both times Holly has had Olivia have been on weeks when the weather has been poor and we have had hardly anything interesting going on!

So the excitement for Olivia this last week has been sharing food at dinner time, sleeping in a bunk bed next to Holly, joining us in the hot tub one evening and then going along to Holly’s dancing and swimming clubs. The most excitement we have had around Olivia was the mad panic trying to find her on Wednesday night so that Holly could take her back to Rainbows. We turned the house upside down all evening and couldn’t find her for blood or money. In the end we gave up looking and Holly had to go to Rainbows with her tail between her legs and own up to losing their long time mascot! I am not sure this went down well and doubt Holly will be given another chance to look after Olivia.

All that being said, all’s well that ends well as Olivia was found the very next day left in the school hall of all places. How Holly managed to leave it there is beyond us, but at least it is found. The bonus now is that there is no Rainbows in half term so Holly gets to keep the mascot for another 2 weeks. Fingers crossed we can find something more exciting to do and to update in the journal during the half term!

Olivia tucking in to Holly's hamburger at dinner.
Holly and Olivia at her swimming class.

Olivia tries out King's dance school.

Olivia tucked up for sleep in Holly's bedroom.

Olivia joins Holly at her pre-school Kelly Care club.

Holly and Olivia enjoying some late night hot tub time.

Olivia is found in school after being lost for a day.

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