Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Brandon's 1st Leather Jacket

One of the things Brandon really wanted for his birthday this year was a leather jacket. So we ordered him one that he wanted which was size 11-12 and amazingly it was too small for Brandon (which was surprising as Brandon isn't big for his age), so disappointment for Brandon. So we returned it for a refund and then searched around for a size 12-13 jacket for him which was "apparently " lost by Royal Mail and therefore a second refund was required. Finally after 3 attempts he got a jacket that he likes and that fits him late last week and  today Brandon got to wear it out for the first time as we all went to the cinema to watch Jumanji - Next Level whilst Holly was at Crafty Katie's.

Poor Brandon seems to have been a bit unlucky with birthday and Xmas presents as we are also having lots of problems with his new gaming PC which is causing me no end of issues!

Brandon with wearing his new Birthday leather jacket and posing with Batman.

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