Friday, 20 March 2020

Schools Close Due to Coronavirus - End of Class of 2020

Is this the last time Brandon takes the walk down the front garden on his way to Primary school?

Well following my previous post on the blog it appears that the Coronovirus pandemic is getting more and more serious by the day with a desperate effort by the government to slow down the spread of the disease in order to allow the NHS to have some hope of managing the sick. 

In the latest set of guidelines by the government, all schools are closing effective today for an indefinite period. Speculation is that this could be for up to 12 weeks which would effectively mean the kids have now finished for this academic year as today is their last day!

This is particularly sad for Brandon as he is Year 6 and this would have been his final year in Primary School before starting Secondary this September. To him, the cancellation of school is not a holiday. It’s wasted time they don’t get to spend with their friends in the last few months before they finish primary school. 

Whilst he doesn't realise it at the moment, it is quite sad to think that after today they may never be able to walk the corridors for the last time or attend their last ever assembly. All of the practice they have done for sports events, leavers assemblies will come to an end before they’ve had the chance to take the field, court, or stage one last time. For months and months he has been working towards completing his SATS exams and now they have all been cancelled as well. That leaves everyone anxious as to how they evaluate and group the kids for secondary school.

The end of year assembly looking back through their young school lives will not take place. They will move on to secondary school without saying goodbye to teachers and classmates alike, who will move to pastures new.

So for today I made an extra special effort to make sure I walked Brandon to school for probably the last time and will also make sure I am there to pick him up tonight. I hope to god this Coronavirus pandemic blows over quicker and the kids are allowed back to school this academic year. Until then it is sad times and Tina certainly shed a tear or two about it last night.

He may be smiling, but this is a sad day as his Year 6 come to a premature end.

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