Thursday, 5 March 2020

World Book Day 2020 - Mary Poppins

Today was World Book Day and Holly was so excited to go to school as we bought her a Mary Poppins costume which she wanted to wear. Believe it or not the costume is size 7-8 and fits her perfectly (even though she is only 6). The scary thing about this costume is just how grown up it makes Holly look. For the first time I am starting to have to change my mindset from her being out little baby to accepting that she is turning in to a young lady.

The boys have kind of outgrown dressing up for World Book Day so at least we only had Holly to deal with this year. Brandon went in to school wearing his West Ham onesie with a sign saying "drowsy". Don't ask.....

A very grown up Holly dressed as Mary Poppins for World Book Day.

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