May 8th 2020 marked the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II and as such the May Monday bank holiday was moved to Friday so that everyone was off of work to celebrate. Of course in these unprecedented times the planned street parties and celebrations were all somewhat subdued as the nation (and most of the World) are still under lock down due to Covid-19.
The weather was absolutely beautiful today and so we tried to make the best of the day and involved the kiddies in as many of the activities as possible so that they could appreciate just why this is such an important occasion. In the morning we strung up some home made bunting outside the house ready for our garden part later in the day. Due to lock down we had not managed to get any Union Jacks so we used some old St Georges cross flags and added the kids painted bunting signs in between the flags.
Then at 11am we joined the Nation in 2 minutes of silence which all three kids did amazingly (despite next doors children screaming the estate down) and we also watched the Duke of Edinburgh lay the reef in memory of the fallen. Then after this we enjoyed lunch in the front garden using our camping table and an Union Jack swimming towel as a table cloth. Then in the afternoon at 3pm we all gathered around to watch Sir Winston Churchill's victory speech on TV.
4pm was probably one of my favourite parts of the day as we had our second little front garden party with tea, scones and cake followed by a little game of badminton. I then knocked up a nice BBQ dinner and we toasted the neighbours and nation. To end our VE day we will hopefully join the nation in a sing along at 9pm for our rendition of we'll meet again.
So quite a full on day, hopefully memorable for the kids although not quite what we would have done had we not been on lock down.
Our VE day plan. |
The kids painted bunting mixed with St Georges Cross. |
Holly coloured these bunting pictures absolutely beautifully. |
Our first garden tea party of the day as we enjoy lunch in the front garden. |
You can tell we have all been on lock down for so long due to the very long hair styles (or lack of style). |
Holly did a bit of science and cooking at the same time to make a sun box oven to cook some delicious smores. |
Back in the front garden at 4pm for our tea and scones followed by some badminton. |
The scones were delicious and Holly made some chocolate chip cakes which we decorated with Union Jack flags. |
To finish the day a sing-a-long to "We'll Meet Again". |
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