Saturday 23 May 2020

Holly Plays some Geomag

Many years ago my Mum bought Joshua and Brandon this fantastic little magnetic building toy called Geomag. I had completely forgotten about the sets which were tucked away in the boys rooms until me and Holly stumbled across them today.

Me and Holly had loads of fun playing with the Geomag and she was fascinated with the way they different parts of the set either attracted or repelled other parts away. My Mum never got to meet Holly, but she would have been so proud to have seen how much fun Holly was having and to see the gift she bought for the boys still being used. It almost brought a tear to my eye seeing Holly playing with the set that my Mum bought for her grand kids.

Me and Holly had hours of fun playing with the Geomag set which my Mum bought for the boys years ago.

This was the largest of the builds which Holly made today. Once complete she even started adding Lego figures in to the structure.

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