Sunday, 3 May 2020

Holly Learns to Pedal a Bike

After a week of consistently taking Holly out for short 10-15 min sessions on her bike, I am pleased to confirm that she can now pedal a bike on her own. She has the balance nailed now and can even turn around corners which is good. We still need to do a bit more work on the strength in her initial push off and she needs to remember to put one leg on the ground when she brings the bike to a stop (she learnt this the hard way when I let her fall to the ground!).

I feel quite proud of this achievement for both Holly and myself. I feel I let Holly down last year as it was one of my objectives to get her cycling and I failed dismally due to so much going on with the house extension etc. Having said that, this year was perfect timing as a felt she was ready to learn where as last year I am not sure it would have happened. For myself, I have taught all 3 of our children to ride a bike and I also helped my nieces, Amy and Zoe to learn so I must be doing something right. I hope I am still around and able enough the help my own grand kids to learn how to ride one day.

A sweaty Dad running alongside, but Holly has final mastered pedaling a bike.

Still need to work a bit on her push-off strength, but I think the balance buddy can come off the bike now. 
And she's off, with her bunny riding on the back. Can't wait until the lock down ends so we can all got to Hadleigh Olympic Mountain bike course for a cycle.

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