Sunday, 26 April 2020

Clap for the NHS

One of the things which seems to have really taken off during the Covid-19 lockdown is the "Clap for the NHS" every Thursday evening at 8pm. The NHS are under extreme pressure trying to cope with the ever increasing number of people coming down with Covid-19. They are having to work extremely long hours, in very dangerous conditions and availability of personal protection is also putting them at further risk. 

So as a Nation we have started applauding the NHS and other key workers at 8pm every Thursday evening. We have tried to encourage the kids to join in and allowed Holly to stay up a bit later. The clapping has evolved over time to banging wooden spoons on saucepans and even setting off fireworks. It is just incredible to see the whole neighborhood getting behind this cause and showing their support for the NHS every Thursday. That being said, the sooner it is all over and we can get back to some normality, the better!

All ready for bed but stayed up later with pots, pans and wooden spoons to clap for the NHS.

Holly really enjoys this every Thursday and seems to pride herself on being the loudest!

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