Joshua turned 14 this year and for the first and only time in his life is now twice as old as his little sister. I am so glad Joshua is seriously in to his fishing now as without that we wouldn't have had a clue what to buy him this year. So for his 14th he ended up with mostly fishing gear including 2 new rods, 2 reels, some floatie things, a rod pod, some rod pod attachments, some stronger line and a few other bits and bobs.
Then on top of that we bought him loads of clothes as he keeps bloody growing out of them! Mostly green clothes which he can wear for fishing. The new fishing coat fits well and he really liked the green tracksuit we got him, but the other clothes all got a pretty muted reaction from him.
It was nice for most of the family to come and see Joshua ad share some birthday cake. He did very well for birthday money which as expected ended up in my wallet last night as he did loads of online shopping buying yet more fishing gear!!! Anyway here are a few pics from his special day.
As usual Joshua was keen to open his presents before going to school. |
Some of the clothes he got - green for going fishing. |
A new green fishing jacket (which he probably won't wear knowing him)! |
Opening his rod pod, not many surprises this year as it was all stuff he had specifically asked for. |
Two new super duper light weight super strong fishing rods (thats about all I know about them). |
As Tina has been ill we had to settle for a quick and easy chocolate birthday cake this year, but very tasty. |
Once school was done and dusted he was keen to start setting up all his new fishing gear (at least he is wearing his new tracksuit though). |
His all new set-up of rods, reels, rod bod and other little bits attached hear and there. Let's hope he has many fruitful fishing trips and gets lots of catches with his new gear. |
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