Sunday 31 October 2021

Southend Halloween Parade & Fireworks

To start our Halloween weekend we headed in to Southend yesterday (the newly promoted City in Essex) to watch the Halloween Parade and the seafront firework display. The fireworks have been cancelled for the last 2 or 3 weeks due to weather and the murder of David Amess, so we knew this weekend would be super busy with the Parade on as well. So we decided to take the train rather than drive as we figured the cost of fuel and parking probably would make that much difference, but would be a lot easier and less stressful.

The parade was ok. I think Holly enjoyed it but the boys weren't impressed. There were some very good displays and floats and then a lot of local clubs etc which was not all that interesting. But some of the costumes were very impressive. The fireworks were absolutely amazing this year and I have to say it is really impressive that Southend council put this on every year completely free of charge. We sat there with soem nice chip and donuts and really enjoyed the 15-20 min firework spectacular.

On the way home the train was definitely the right option as the traffic coming out of Southend was absolutely rammed. Since we were on the train we also indulged in a new first for the kids and bought a couple of kebab's for them to try. It was probably the first time in 15-20 years that I have had a kebab and certainly the first time any of the kids had tried them.

It is not often Holly goes on a train so she was happy with our decision to not drive.

The ghostly drum band started the parade off and were very good.

Super base on the drums and they all lit up as well which looked really cool.

Some of the costumes were very good.

There had to be Ghostbusters there somewhere.

The Mask.

Not quite sure why Minie Mouse was in a Halloween Parade, but Holly was happy to see her.

The RNLI float.

This large dragon was really impressive.

This picture really shows the size of the dragon.

Some very tall Halloween costumes.

More from the large characters.

Very colourful.

The wicked witch.

Holly and Tina watching the parade.

Some very colourful skeletons.

Along comes the coffin.

A very large skeleton costume.

Even Batman was there.

I thought this costume was pretty amazing.

As was this one.

Another very impressive dragon that looks great with all the led lights.

Whilst we waited for the fireworks the kids had a little go on some of the arcades.

Of course Holly played her 2p machines and won a poppet in the shape of an ice-cream.

We had prime spot right in front of the barge for the fireworks.

They didn't disappoint as they illuminated the night sky at Southend seafront.

More of the fireworks.

The big finale before heading for the train home.

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