This years Halloween has been a bit of an anticlimax so far. Because we was away last weekend we missed out on going pumpkin picking as everywhere was closed. Luckily we got a few at Tesco's, but to be honest the boys really weren't interested in doing them. So me and Holly carved one out, Josh sort of started but never finished, and Brandon did his about a day later.
Tina has been entertaining Holly with some Halloween activities which has included making some delicious ginger bread cookies and some rather snazzy pumpkin earrings made from loom bands.
When it came to trick or treating this was the first year that the boys have not wanted to go out. So this year it was just me and Holly out walking the streets, collecting Candy and looking at the Halloween decorations. There was certainly a lot of Squid Game costumes out and about which makes my "Squid Game" pumpkin look really predictable. Anyway me and H had fun trick or treating and she managed to fill a whole bucket full of sweets.
Holly was keen to make her own pumpkin carving this year. |
She did the entire design and cutting all by herself. |
Joshua came and briefly joined us, but his pumpkin still isn't finished even today! |
They grow up so quickly, how long before this one doesn't want to carve pumpkins as well? |
My effort for 2021 was the predictable"Squid Games". |
This is Holly's pumpkin all lit up. |
And the other side of Holly's. |
Some delicious Halloween cookies that Holly decorated. |
She is certainly getting good at her arts and crafts as they look amazing. |
Tina helped Holly make these loom band pumpkin earrings. Very creative. |
Out trick or treating with H and she got her fortune told at a spooky fortune teller booth. |
This house just around the corner from us really goes to town every year with their Halloween decs. |
The spoils of a good nights trick or treating. |
So the boys didn't want to go trick or treating, but they certainly wanted a part of Holly's sweet haul when they saw what she had. |
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