Monday 9 October 2023

Holly's 3D Printer Pen

Holly is much more organised than the boys and has already pulled together her 10th birthday present list. One of the items on there which she has been on and on about for ages is a 3D printer pen. Well we was in the Range at the weekend and saw a 3D printer pen for under £20 and as Holly hadn't spent her pocket money this month we decided to let her get it rather than the usual toot, fidgets and lip balms which she buys.

She is so creative and artistic and absolutely loves this gadget. It charges via a USB and takes only a minute or two to heat up to temp once charged. She has about half a dozen reels of material which are rapidly running out so I sense I am going to constantly be buying more refills for her. Yesterday she has been making some heart and Halloween rings amongst other things.

Holly using her new 3D printer pen which she bought with her pocket money.

The creative side of Holly making some 3D jewelry.

Some of her creations. A heart ring and a witches hat ring.

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