Halloween 2023 and it was just me and Holly. Tina was at work, Brandon didn't want to go out and Joshua had to stay in as he has a History and ICT mock exam tomorrow. I think Brandon drew the short straw as all he wanted to do was play on the Playstation and instead he ended up being like a yo-yo all night getting up and down to go to the front door to offer sweets to all the trick or treaters that came knocking.
Holly was dressed as Wednesday this year and obviously looked the part as lots of people commented on her costume and knew exactly who she was. We managed to avoid the rain and was out for about an hour in total getting a pretty good haul of sweets. Meanwhile Brandon had given out four tubs of Celebrations!!!!!
Me and my little Wednesday out Trick or Treating. |
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Asusual some of the houses on the Wick looked amazing putting in loads of effort. |
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Holly ended up giving half of her hau away as we ran out of sweets and she said she had too many. So this is what she ended up with. |
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