Monday 23 October 2023

Joshua's 16th Birthday Meal at the Honeypot

Joshua's birthday celebrations continued yesterday as we had a lovely family meal out at the Honeypot. Unfortunately Zoe, Nick and Rory couldn't be there due to illness, but nearly everyone else was there. It was really good to catch up with everyone and the food was really good as well (good pick Josh). Thank you to everyone who came and for all Joshua's cards, money and vouchers. Here are a few picks from the evening.

Everyone was seeing how bad there eyes were by trying out Lisa's glasses.

Do they go with my Moobs?

Amy did a great job of cheering up Brandon who seemed a bit down before going out for dinner.

Dinner for 11.

Nicky with Lisa's glasses on.

Michael looking very serious.

Of course the birthday boy was embarrassed by the staff coming out with a cake and singing Happy Birthday to him.

Huff and puff time.

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