Tuesday 27 August 2024

Layla's Scooter

Having not seen our Norfolk family since Bulgaria last summer we decided we best make an effort this summer holiday. The added bonus being that Min and Lea recently moved to Suffolk so we got the pleasure to stop by and see their new house on the way up to Norfolk.

Once we got to Norfolk we found out that Steve had bought Layla a little 50cc scooter to potter around on and this was fuel to the fire for Joshua. He has been asking for a scooter or moped for ages as a couple of his friends have them, but we have been dead against the idea and would prefer he waits until he passes his test and gets a car,

Anyway Joshua had a go on Layla's scooter just going up and down the road outside her house. It was pretty scary stuff seeing how he handled the scooter and certainly didn't install me with confidence to go out and buy him one. If he choses Chelmsford college then a scooter would make my life a lot easier, but I am just not sure I can bring myself to do it.

Holly tried on Layla's bike helmet and jacket but fortunately had no intentions of trying to ride it! 

Scary times as Joshua pelts up and down Auntie Chris's road on Layla's scooter.

Holly tried on the jacket and helmet but was not allowed anywhere near the scooter.

Sunday 25 August 2024

Tunisia - Day 10 End of the Holiday, End of "Dad-cam"

Our last full day of holiday before flying back home and we have had an absolutely amazing time in Tunisia. Despite the holiday being reduced from 14 nights to 10, I think it has been enough and we are ready to go home. I wouldn't complain at another day or so out here, but 14 nights probably would have been too much and thus 10 seems about right.

Anyway on our final day we really just made the most of our resort, enjoying the beach, the pool, the activities and of course food and drink in excess. Holly participated in her final body board challenge which was a battle against an opponent using two float noodles. Pretty brutal and Holly had a long battle against a young boy which ultimately ended in victory for her.

After dinner we took our final walk in to the harbour for some souvenirs and for Holly to go on a few more rides. In our 10 days in Tunisia we learnt that Tunisians are amazingly kind and friendly people and this was never more evident that our porter who had been so good to us all holiday that we got a family picture with him before flying home. We only met one local person who wasn't friendly and offended us and this was the owner of one of the shops down in the harbour. In fact he offended me so much that I took a picture of his stores and posted it on Facebook advising people to avoid at all costs.

Our holiday started badly with the initial flight/booking being cancelled due to Crowdstrike, however something even worse happened on the final day. Much to the kids delight my infamous and well travelled "Dad-cam" took on some water and died a fatal death. Despite many attempts to dry it out I could not bring it back to life and the best I could manage was to salvage our holiday pictures from the memory card. Absolutely gutted, my "Dad-cam" has served me well over the years, travelled thousands of miles, dived many seas and taken thousands and thousands of pictures of the kids. Now it is just a broken relic.

A last early morning dip in the sea for me at tomorrow we leave the resort at about 6am.

I love my cold plunge at hoe, but boy am I going to miss this treat every morning.

Just look at that water.

Is there a better way to start the day?

The others were missing out staying in bed.

Last morning of looking back at our hotel in crystal clear warm waters.

Whilst taking some pictures I noticed little fish on the sea bed that took a shine to nibbling my feet.

That's a brave fish!

Once the others got up we hit the pool and Holly did some snorkeling.

Then it was her epic body board noodle battle.

The little boy gets a clean strike on her head.

But Holly fights back.

They exchange blow for blow.

But eventually Holly winds up victorious.

And then goes straight back to her snorkeling.

She was snorkeling for little lose tiles that she found in the bottom of the pool.

This kept her occupied for ages.

Tina enjoying some time with the two boys.

Until Holly comes in and splashes them all.

Family picture with a large Tunisian flag.

The boys (notice my outfit which the boys kept saying was my Gypsy King set!).

The ladies.

Family picture with our amazing porter who was so friendly and helpful all holiday. Such a nice chap and always had a smile on his face despite working such long hours.

Final rides for Holly on a mini log flume down the harbour.

And if ever you visit Tunisia, avoid this shop at all costs due to the owner being extremely rude and pushy.

Our final night and I took some last minute pictures of the illuminated pool/hotel.

Highly recommend Barcelo Concorde Green Park.

All good things come to an end.

Farewell Tunisia. After a dodgy start, you've been good to us.

Saturday 24 August 2024

Tunisia - Day 9 Zoo & Dinner Show

Day 9 and slowly coming to the end of what has been a great holiday. Today we spent the morning playing in the pool and then after lunch we had an excursion booked for an afternoon at the zoo followed by a dinner show.

We arrived at the zoo around 2 to 3 o'clock in the afternoon on what seemed like the hottest day of the holiday. The sea lion show was just starting as we arrived and whilst there was tiered seating available, none of it was in the shade. The heat was unbelievable and we all had sweat just pouring down us. It got so bad that we lost interest in the show and ended up leaving before it finished to seek shade, sun cream and some liquids.

We then took a stroll around the small loop of the zoo which contained most of the wild cats and then the longer loop which had more of the traditional African safari animals. The conditions the animals were in seemed pretty poor and was not a pleasant experience. Most of the animals looked like they were struggling with the heat as much as we were and shockingly some of them had no water or food available in their enclosure. In fact some people were buying bottles of water and feeding it to monkey's through their cages!!!

So whilst the zoo was a pretty poor experience the evening dinner and show made up for it. The dinner was very traditional Tunisian food which we had started to come accustomed to now. Then the show included loads of African music, dancing, pot balancing and so on.

Whilst the others were all still sleeping I had got in to the habit of getting up and going for s dip in the sea whilst doing the German thing and reserving some sunbeds for the day.

On Day 9 the water was so flat and clear. It looked absolutely beautiful.

I could have quiet happily stayed here all day, but I had to go back and wake the others up for breakfast.

It looks just like a postcard.

Holly enjoying a double serving of chocolate pancakes for breakfast.

Brandon looking cool in the hot tub.

Another day of fun ahead.

Tina getting ready for a relaxing morning wearing another Temu dolphin pool dress that I got her.

I think I was starting to embarrass everyone with a West Ham shirt, Boonie hat, bright Hawaiian shorts and shark sliders! 

In the morning me, Josh and Brandon joined in with the water polo.

We were just having fun in the pool, but there is always one person taking it seriously and keeping score and counting nr of player on each team etc.

About as much exercise as I had done in 10 days!

Brandon leaps for s hot on goal.

Another pass from Brandon.

I think the water polo tired Josh out.

In the peak afternoon heat we arrived at the Zoo.

The entrance certainly looked very African.

We really wanted to watch the sea lion show, but it was just sooooo hot.

They were doing all kinds of funny things on stage, but we were just fumbling around trying to find shade.

It was almost cruel seeing the animal in the pool whilst we were all burning up outside. We just wanted to jump in the water.

The zoo shop became very popular as it had air con!

The lions had found a shady spot and didn't move.

Anywhere they could get out of the beating sun and just hide.

You'd think they were used to the climate but even these cats looked to be struggling in the heat.

This white tiger had the right idea. Although I bet that water was pretty warm!

A cute little desert fox.

Huge ears relative to its size.

This was about the only thriving cactus we saw in Tunisia as a lot of the cactus plants looked like it was too hot for them and they looked like they were dying off. Last rain was back in April.

Some elephants in the zoo.

Taking shade on some really nice wooden carved chairs.

The emus.

More on the elephants.

More on the emus.

Look at those horns. These animals were desperate for some water as their trough was completely dried up!

We tipped some of our water in to the trough for them.

The white was was getting a little frisky!

Some little deer's.

Holly getting the chance to feed some deer's.

Holly and Tina waiting for the dinner and show.

And the boys enjoying sitting down with some ac.

Dinner was served in a huge circus shaped building for the show.

My shirt finally drying out from bing drenched in sweat!

The show started with some African drums.

Very colourful and very loud.

African dancers performed.

All the tribal paint and accessories.

More from the dinner show.

Believe it or not this guy also balanced a little boy in the chair on his head!!!

As if 6 jugs wasn't enough already.

Luckily the dinner and show was better than the zoo experience.

Brandon looking a cool cucumber with his chain and shades.

Me and Josh sitting at the head of the table.