Thursday 22 August 2024

Tunisia - Day 7 Sea Sofa

Day 7 was a much needed chill day in the resort after two very long days travelling up and down the length of Tunisia for our Sahara trip. So we really just messed around in the pool and then after lunch me and Holly went down on the beach to have a ride on one of those sea sofa's. Tina was going nowhere near this after last years experience in Bulgaria which she really didn't enjoy much.

In the evening we took another walk down to Port-El-Kantauio to explore the other side of the harbour. On this side we found loads of little souvenir shops along with a kids theme park. The boys weren't interested in the theme park but obviously Holly wanted to go on everything! In the shops we started having some fun by having a little competition to see who could negotiate the best % reduction on an item from the original asking price. We quickly learned that Brandon is useless at haggling and Holly is absolutely brutally cutthroat!

Mummy and daughter cuddles at the pool bar.

Tina, Josh and Holly at the pool bar.

Brandon soaking up ray in the shade!!

Eventually he got in the water.

Holly loved playing around with Brandon in the pool/

Just chilling after 2 very long and tiring days.

Family time in the pool.

Me and wifey.

Piggy backs around the pool for H.

If only they could play this nicely all the time.

Holly smiling away whilst Brandon attempts to hide his face from "Dad-cam".

Tina in the pool, the challenge was to try and get her back in the sea.

Selfie of me and Tina.

Fruit cake!


Holly on the floaty in the pool.

Until Josh sneak attacks her from behind.

All 4 of them enjoying some quality pool time whilst I take sneaky pictures.

Our new pool toy for 2024, a soft ball shark.

Not very scary in the water!

Too much pool time for Tina. Time for a nap.

Whilst me and H head down the beach.

Holly trying to do a half in the water, half out of the water photo.

Just look at that water

Collecting some shells.

My little beach girl.

Certainly easy to spot shells in water that clear.

Our hotel in the background.

Me and the little one.

Holly was trying to teach me to float in the shallows.

Eventually we dragged Tina down to the beach to take some pictures whilst me and H went out on the sea sofa.

Life jackets on and ready to go.

What ha she got me in to?

Did I not learn like Tina did in Bulgaria last year.

The things you do for your kids.

Oh well, no going back now.

The speedboat pulls us out to sea.

Soon we are bouncing all over the wake and being thrown here, there and everywhere.

Holding on for dear life.

Almost getting air time.

Sharp turns send us spinning around in circles.

Getting sprayed in the face with sea water from the boat.

An angled shot to make Brandon happy.

Leaving our hotel in the background.

Accelerating away sending us both in to fits of giggles.

Yeh, we got some air time.

Grip and core muscles start to tire after a while.

No problems with my hair flying around like Holly.

Smiles on our faces as our ride comes to an end.

That was fun, but once is enough this holiday.

Tina got so hot waiting around for us that she actually got in the sea to cool down.

Evening stroll back down to the Port.

Holly went on some rides in the fun fair.

This ride was like one of the Tunisian dresses that they do the spinning dance to.

Rather her than me after dinner.

We found a little light fountain show to watch.

Holly posing for a picture by the fountains.

Then the two boys. OK, I concede - they are both taller than me now!!!

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