Wednesday 21 August 2024

Tunisia - Day 6 Sahara Desert Tour Pt.2

The second day of our 2 day Sahara safari started at stupid o'clock with an alarm set for around 3am. After a quick breakfast we were back on the coach and heading about 45 mins out in to the Sahara to view the sun rise over the Sahara Salt Lake. The day started badly as we were last out of the hotel and some bloody French people had decided to swap seat from yesterday leaving us 5 crammed on the back row. This very quickly became a problem as it was close to the engines and the a/c didn't work great resulting in Tina having a bad asthma attack. Rather than tell everyone to stick to their seats the tour guide simply moved Tina to the front of the coach and then I moved to a spare single seat next to a stranger in order to give the boys more leg room. This meant that for all of day 2 we were split up on the coach in 3 different sections a bit like the flight out to Tunisia.

Anyway all that aside the early start was well worth it and I think we would have regretted going all that way and not taking up the opportunity to see the sun rise for the sake of a few hours of sleep. It really was something amazing and a bit of a lifetime experience.

Once we had seen the sun rise our next stop was about another hour away where we had a quick toilet and drink break before changing vehicles from a coach to a Land Cruiser for a desert jeep safari. Again this was just incredible as the driver took us across terrain that you thought would be physically impossible for a vehicle. The jeep safari lasted a good couple of hours and took us deep in to the desert firstly to this rock which we could climb to take in some breathtaking view and then secondly to the set of another big scene from the Star Wars movies. 

After the jeep safari we then moved on to a 5 star hotel for a lovely lunch. The hotel was incredible with some really decorative ceiling, dining furniture etc. The final stop for the day before heading home was to do some more shopping for souvenirs and then to see one of the local Tunisian mosques. Anyway I am not going to write all the details here as again the pictures do it far more justice.

Early start to the day to head out to the Salt Lake to catch the sun rise.

The "Dad-cam" did its best with the sun rise photography, but to be honest the kids were getting much better pictures on their phones.

A rare bit of water at the Salt Lake which was a weird red colour.

Holly entertaining herself whilst we wait for the sun to emerge.

Bet you never knew the "real" Titanic sank in the Sahara Desert?

Then the moment we all came to see.

The sun emerging from the Sahara Salt Lake.

The pictures don't do this any justice at all.

Tina and H enjoying the sun rise (after T had recovered from her Asthma attack!).

As I said the kids were getting better pics on their phone cameras.

Me and T at the Salt Lake.

Lovely picture of Holly and Tina.

Me and Tina again - hummmm shouldn't we be looking the other way to enjoy the sun rise?

Holly showing she can do better than the "Dad-cam".

Beautiful family pick (minus me).

Holly took this nice picture of me and Tina.

Some of the crystal salt rock formed in the salt lake.

More of the red coloured water.

Stay hydrated in the desert, or look like this!

Next up was the jeep safari where we passed this building/set in the middle of nowhere after about 30 mins of driving. It must have been used for various film sets, surely.

Our driver took us across terrain that just looked impossible in a vehicle.

This was our Toyota Land Cruiser for the jeep safari.

Holly ready to scale the heights of a cliff at our first stop in the desert.

Tina and Josh didn't fancy the climb up to see the scenery, so it was just me, Holly, and B. The climb was pretty sketchy in places.

Pausing for a breath on our way up.

Spectacular views across the Sahara from on top of the cliff.

Amazing landscapes.

Just look at those sand formations.

This shows how high up we climbed by how small the jeeps are below!

Me, Holly and B at the top of the cliff.

It had to be done! Sorry, not sorry.

Holly loved a bit of exploring in the desert.

Little poser.

Me and my Princess (oh and the Boonie!).

Next stop was another Star Wars set where we went bare foot in the soft sand. Holly lost her footing and fell down which I perfectly captured on camera.

I was mind blown at seeing this Star Wars set literally about an hour to an hour and half in to the middle of the desert, so remote and isolated.

Just amazing, apart from all the market stalls ruining the pictures of the village.

The kids just don't get excited like me at scenes like this.

More from the Star Wars village.

And more...

Well as I was the only one enjoying the film set it seems appropriate I have a picture here. Now where did I put my light sabre.

Loads of little nooks, crannies and arch ways to explore.

At least some bits weren't ruined by the market stalls selling souvenirs.

The main part was full of traders selling stuff. It was fun haggling with them though.

Last few pics before moving on to our next stop.

Can you ever get enough of Star Wars.

Farewell, last pic I from here I promise.

The 5 star hotel we stopped at for lunch.

The interior decoration was amazing.

Just look at the detail on that ceiling.

Whilst I was amazed by the internal architecture, the kids were amazed at the Wi-fi in reception.

Such vibrant colours and detail. Must have taken days and days to paint.

Last stop was an aerial view of the mosque and a final shopping place for souvenirs.

For religious reasons we were not allowed inside.

Right in the mid day heat now and Tina was trying to keep cool with a wet towel and a refreshing sprite.

Big Josh, he did so well in the heat and sun. It's not easy for a ginger.

End of a 2 day safari, back at base camp after covering some 700 miles or so and someone is looking a little tired.

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