Better late than never but here is the blog update for our Christmas Day 2024. Despite having a new "Dad-cam" and a phone camera, surprisingly I didn't take that many pictures. As usual the five of us just stayed at home on Xmas day as I always think it is unfair to go dragging the kids around everywhere when all they want to do is play with their presents. That being said we actually got a good lay-in on Xmas day as I don't think any of the kiddies woke before 9am meaning I had time for a cold plunge and a skull crusher coffee to start my day.
Brandon didn't really have a main present this year as his list mostly contained lots and lots and lots of clothes. Probably his two main presents outside of clothes was a new watch and some aftershave - needless to say he had the most presents. Joshua went to the other extreme and wanted a PS5 for his bedroom, so he really only got the one main present and then a few smaller bits. Holly was similar to Brandon in that she didn't really want a main present and therefore had lots of little ones like clothes, Lego, jigsaws, viewfinder, Tamagotchi to name a few. It is always difficult to buy for Holly with her birthday so close to Xmas, but basically she got tonnes of Stitch items.
Anyway we had a nice relaxing Xmas day, played lots of games, ate and drank loads throughout the day and then settled down for a nice big festive dinner. Brandon was a lot more sensible with the alcohol this year and paced himself without mixing drinks. So unlike last year he made it past 9pm and even better he didn't throw up everywhere!
Santa had been over night and left a sack for everyone. As usual mine was the smallest. |
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Brandon had the most presents so was pretty much opening two to everyone elses one. |
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Brandon's new jacket to add to his collection of coats. |
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Holly with a Stitch light for her bedroom. |
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Josh had a few small presents but then just one main present. |
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Brandon trying out one of his new jumpers from Shein. |
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And Joshies main present was a PS5. He only wants it to play the new CoD game. |
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Brandon with a personalised Linkin Park pint glass. |
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Holly with more Stitch presents. |
Another Stitch Lego for Holly to get cracking on with. |
Brandon got a couple of Linkin Park canvas prints for his bedroom. |
Some cargo's for Josh as we are fed up with him living in jogging bottoms all the time! |
Didn't take him long to crack in to that box. He has hardly used it since though and still sticks to GT5 on his PC! |
Brandon and Holly showing off some of their new outfits and Holly with her Tamagotchi. |
Lots of Disney characters for Holly to unlock on her Tamagotchi. |
In the afternoon we played Holly's new Stitch Monopoly (which of course I won!). |
Amazed that both Josh and Brandon agreed to play. |
Table prep'd and ready for the festive dinner. |
Christmas feast time. |
This was my Xmas dinner for 2025, my god did those brussels work quickly this year. |
Holly eating a tub of frozen peas (she doesn't like them cooked!). |