This blog was started to share the life of our first baby who was born on October 18th 2007. As the years have passed our family has grown and the blog now also includes Joshua's little brother Brandon King who was born on January 29th 2009 and his little sister who was born on 28th November 2013.
Wednesday, 31 October 2007
Our Little Pumpkin
Sunday, 28 October 2007
Weekend Review
The sleeping is still hard work. As you would expect he has no concept of day or night and often wakes up around 2-3am wide awake and wanting a play or some attention. But he is slowly settling into a routine and has even started to enjoy his bath time more.
The boy has two very distinctive traits coming out which he has obviously inherited from his parents. From me he has inherited a remarkable ability of self winding - and I don't mean burping!!!! Geez the boy has some flactuance, I put my hands up now and admit I am a beaten man, I cannot compete with him. From Tina his has inherited the ability to have a lazy morning lay-in. After his morning feed (around 7 to 7.30) he will happily snuggle up in bed with Tina and sleep for another 2-3 hours!
Anyway some more pictures for you to enjoy......
How on earth did Tina carry this lump around for 9 months?
Some quality time with Mummy....
And some cuddle time with Daddy....
A shoulder to cry on (well fall asleep at least!).....
Joshua's cool Next jeans and top bought by Lorraine and Duncan.
Slowly we are learning the art of swaddling (but he still wriggles his arms out!).
Thursday, 25 October 2007
1 Week Old Today - Happy Birthday
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
Welcome to the jungle.
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
Perfect D.N.A.
Not much spare time today so just a few nice pictures to show you all. Joshua is starting to settle down and everyday is exciting and enjoyable. To us he has changed so much in 5 days.
We must thank everyone so much for all the cards and gifts which Joshua has received. He is a very popular young man to say the least. I need to apologise to everyone as it is going to be real difficult to send specific thank you cards and remembering who all the gifts were from.
As you can imagine we have taken lots and lots of pictures of Joshua and this website only includes a small sample of those. If anyone would like the full size versions of any of these pictures (or any of the others) then just send us your e-mail address and I can e-mail them. Alternatively I am happy to print pictures off for anyone.
Monday, 22 October 2007
Life is full of "First's....."
Cuddle with mummy:
Sunday, 21 October 2007
Day 2 Visitors to see the new King.....
Saturday, 20 October 2007
Joshua's First Visitors......
Thursday, 18 October 2007
T Minus ZERO! Joshua is born....
Tina did absolutely amazing considering the size of the baby and the fact that her only pain relief was gas and air, plus the tens machine. It is heart wrenching to watch someone you love so much be in so much pain and to be so helpless at the same time. I may think I am big and tough but it brought me to tears and I can say hand on heart that there is no way I could have gone through what she did in the early hours of this morning.
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
T Minus 1 DAY & Counting
Anyway no new pictures to share just yet, so as a bit of light hearted entertainment to pass the time, here is a trivia quiz for you all. All of the quotes below come from movies and include the word "baby" - can you name all the movies?
"The lady et gonna have a baby, she not can be moved for 24 hours, make it 12"
"Nobody puts baby in a corner"
"Yeah baby"
"Hasta la vista baby"
"Vegas, baby"
"A dingo ate my baby"
"Zed's dead, baby. Zed's dead."
"You've got a a bar!?"
"You know how it is, baby. Rockin' and rollin' and whatnot."
Thursday, 11 October 2007
T Minus 1 Week & Counting
Well we started counting down from 9 months, then 9 weeks and then this week we hit the 9 day countdown. It is now 1 week today until the due date so all I can say is roll on the 9 hour and then the 9 minute countdown! However as time ticks by and we get closer to the due date it is looking less and less likely that Junior wants Daddy to compete in the Oct 20th Gorton Grueller race. Unfortunately statistics are against me since only 5% of babies are born on their due date and a whopping 75% are born later. I am now open to suggestions and any old wives tales about how to speed up labour - the curry thing certainly didn't work, although it did give me a smelly back side that would challenge any new borns nappy for smell!
At 39 weeks the average baby should be about 51 centimetres long and will weight approximately 7.5 pounds. The amniotic fluid which was once clear will now be a pale and milky due to Junior shedding his/her vernix caseosa. The outer layers of skin will also be sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.
So its back to the waiting game……place your bets, anywhere between now and 3 weeks time.
Thursday, 4 October 2007
T Minus 2 Weeks & Counting
Can you imagine what it is like for a newborn when after 9 months you leaves the safest possible place and then opens your eye's into a world where everyone is 10 times your size and nobody speaks your language?
Wednesday, 3 October 2007
Lady of leisure.....
Anyway Tina's work colleagues gave her a very nice send off yesterday with some beautiful flowers, balloons, loads of gifts for the baby and the all important lifeline for the pregnant woman (a big bar of chocolate!). So a big thank you to all at Wilgo.