The sleeping is still hard work. As you would expect he has no concept of day or night and often wakes up around 2-3am wide awake and wanting a play or some attention. But he is slowly settling into a routine and has even started to enjoy his bath time more.
The boy has two very distinctive traits coming out which he has obviously inherited from his parents. From me he has inherited a remarkable ability of self winding - and I don't mean burping!!!! Geez the boy has some flactuance, I put my hands up now and admit I am a beaten man, I cannot compete with him. From Tina his has inherited the ability to have a lazy morning lay-in. After his morning feed (around 7 to 7.30) he will happily snuggle up in bed with Tina and sleep for another 2-3 hours!
Anyway some more pictures for you to enjoy......
How on earth did Tina carry this lump around for 9 months?
Some quality time with Mummy....
And some cuddle time with Daddy....
A shoulder to cry on (well fall asleep at least!).....
Joshua's cool Next jeans and top bought by Lorraine and Duncan.
Slowly we are learning the art of swaddling (but he still wriggles his arms out!).
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