Thursday 25 October 2007

1 Week Old Today - Happy Birthday

Two milestones achieved today. Firstly baby Joshua is now 1 week old - who can believe just how quick that week has gone. The second milestone is that we finally got the chicken korma coloured poo!!!! Everyone has warned us about this, but I have to say I was pleased to see it as its a sign the digestive system as working and that he is getting good milk. Apart from that Joshua had some more visitors last night (see the pictures below).
Yesterday Joshua received his first piece of mail addressed to him which was a lovely outfit posted from Auntie Lorraine and Uncle Duncan. This was the first time I realised that in years to come, the little fellow will probably be opening all my mail as it will all be delivered to J.King!!! Doh! On the subject of outfits, how cute does little JJ look in this dolphin Hawaii shirt and trouser set which he is wearing today?

1 comment:

Amy-RainbowPony-King said...

aww his so cute in his little dolphin suit looks like his friendly to be held hope I will soon Amyxxx