Wednesday, 17 October 2007

T Minus 1 DAY & Counting

Well its now only 1 day until the due date…….my prediction of Tuesday 16th has now been and gone without any rumblings. I think the chances of me now racing in Gorton this Saturday are slim to none - nevermind the next race event is just over 6 weeks time. Knowing my luck Junior will decide to make an appearance this weekend resulting in me missing the Rugby World Cup, F1 Finale and UFC 77!!!!

Anyway no new pictures to share just yet, so as a bit of light hearted entertainment to pass the time, here is a trivia quiz for you all. All of the quotes below come from movies and include the word "baby" - can you name all the movies?

"The lady et gonna have a baby, she not can be moved for 24 hours, make it 12"
"Nobody puts baby in a corner"
"Yeah baby"
"Hasta la vista baby"
"Vegas, baby"
"A dingo ate my baby"
"Zed's dead, baby. Zed's dead."
"You've got a a bar!?"
"You know how it is, baby. Rockin' and rollin' and whatnot."

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