Thursday 11 October 2007

T Minus 1 Week & Counting

Well we started counting down from 9 months, then 9 weeks and then this week we hit the 9 day countdown. It is now 1 week today until the due date so all I can say is roll on the 9 hour and then the 9 minute countdown! However as time ticks by and we get closer to the due date it is looking less and less likely that Junior wants Daddy to compete in the Oct 20th Gorton Grueller race. Unfortunately statistics are against me since only 5% of babies are born on their due date and a whopping 75% are born later. I am now open to suggestions and any old wives tales about how to speed up labour - the curry thing certainly didn't work, although it did give me a smelly back side that would challenge any new borns nappy for smell!

At 39 weeks the average baby should be about 51 centimetres long and will weight approximately 7.5 pounds. The amniotic fluid which was once clear will now be a pale and milky due to Junior shedding his/her vernix caseosa. The outer layers of skin will also be sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.

So its back to the waiting game……place your bets, anywhere between now and 3 weeks time.

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