Yep at 2.17am this morning Joshua was 1 month old. The last couple of days have been really good with Joshua. He is really starting to enjoy his bath time now and has a real good splash around. We broke new records on Friday with a 7 min long bath. Then we also experimented with his first expressed bottle milk on Friday night. This was a major success and at 2.30 in the morning it was a real pleasure to feed my little boy for the first time and to watch him gazing into my eyes as he sucked away on the bottle.
Anyway having successfully bottle fed Joshua we was all ready for our first meal out since his birth. We went out to Outbacks last night to celebrate Tina's uncles 50th birthday - so armed we two 4oz bottles of expressed milk, a bib, a muslin and a changing bag, we were as ready as ever. Joshua slept through the starter and but then woke up crying just as the main courses were being served. So my dinner went back under the hot lights and I was left to feed the little man before I could tuck into my own grub. This is another new first as its not often you will find me prioritising something or someone else before my own food!
Anyway some more pictures for your viewing. One thing the pictures don't really show is just how long Joahua's hair is getting and often he wakes up with little tufty bits sticking up. So its time to start brushing and combing already. My brother still thinks he takes after me with a receding hairline!
Mummy got Joshua these rather cute little slippers to keep his pinkies warm over the cold winter months.

Fortunately Dad offset the cute slippers with Joshua's first trainers - some cool Nike Total 90's. There were supposed to be an Xmas present, but he is so big we have had to let him have them early as it is likely he will only get a few weeks use out of them!

Surfer dude outfit - just chilling on his changing mat.

Mum and Dad are determined Joshua will be a diver. He even has fish hanging over his changing mat.


Joshua claiming his spot on the sofa with his toys.

All dressed up and no place to go............PS nice hat Josh

Spot the baby............

And finally.............yes he is damn cute