Monday, 26 November 2007

Weight Gain

Firstly apologies for the recent lack of blog updates. Me & Tina recently decided that whilst the still pictures are fab, they just don't capture certain things. For example when Joshua has the hiccups, or his grunts as he stretches with one arm up in a superman pose, or his gentle breathing when he is asleep on your should, or even his incestuous farting. So we decided to buy ourselves a video camera as a joint Xmas present and hence I have been playing with that recently and not taking as many still shots. I know what your thinking - it should be a Christmas present. But Joshua has changed so much in 5 weeks already, so to wait another 5 weeks until Xmas would mean we would lose so much of what we want to capture on DVD. So it's an early present. But look on the bright side, once I have enough footage to compile a baby DVD then you can all have a copy!

Anyway the little man is doing very well. And at this point I must give myself a kick and stop calling him a little man. He is far from little. Try carrying him all around town on a Saturday and your biceps soon remind you he is no lightweight. Just to add to that, Joshua went to get weighed today and get this - he is now 10lb 11oz (up from 9lb 9oz two weeks ago). Needless to say he is only 5 weeks old and we already have a stack of clothes which no longer fit him, and we realised last night that he is also nearly too big for his bath as well (I am sure in years to come he will thank me for recording him in the bath with our new camcorder).

Joshua had a fairly eventful weekend as he met loads of new faces. Firstly we took him down the karate club on Saturday to show him off for the first time (this was after his Dad and Uncle Michael had finished their 2nd Dan grading). Then after that we took him down the David Lloyd for the first time to meet a load of people from the gym - he even went up in the gym for a brief period (might as well start getting the dude used to the gym environment!!!).

Hey, he almost looks like a little snowman.
Anyone for a game of poker, I'm the short stack!

Joshua stealing some R&R on Daddies bean bag.......


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