Monday 12 November 2007

Our Little Pumpkin

Today Joshua had another trip to see the health visitor. The great news is that the little man now weighs more than when we was born. At just 3.5 weeks old he weighed in at a whopping 9lb 9oz - so much for my concerns about whether he is gaining weight! Anyway some more pictures for you to enjoy.

The art of the power nap (father and son style).

No its not sleep time Daddy!
Mummy stealing another kiss from Josh.
Our little pumpkin.........
Rumour has it that there is a baby in this picture somewhere.......
Pretty in pink.

And I thought you dressed me up stupid...............

A pumpkin carving of baby Joshua...

And another one................

1 comment:

Emmieleigh-Anneabelle♥ said...

he's getting cuter & cuter.
i love the pumpkin carving's
they're fab
my gawjus new nephew is getting cuter & cuter by the second forget minuite
he's absoulutly georgus
oh yes & the costumes look lovely xx haha
love you all from Auntie Emily xxx