Saturday 3 November 2007

King Size

Joshua had another visit from the health visitor on Friday. She was very happy with his progress and confirmed that his weight has now increased from 8lb 8oz to 8lb 13oz. On Thursday we decided to try taking Joshua around Tesco's for the first time and I think we can safely say that the little boy is not going to be a shopper!!!! He pretty much screamed the whole way around, on the plus side I got to park the car in the family parking spot for the first time ever and use one of those trolleys that holds the car seat. Today we took Joshua into town and he slept through the entire trip. As you can see from the picture below he is getting very comfortable in his car seat now!

This is a lovely picture of Joshua.......

Joshua seems to like having his feet touched (the same as his father!).

More playtime in the gym.

Forget the moses basket, I am a King and will therefore have a King Size bed!

Life is so difficult at times, do I sleep, feed, cry or poo another nappy????

And here's Joshua in his sleep bag.

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