Friday 21 March 2008

Happy Easter from JJ

Yesterday we took Joshua for some professional photo's and this gave me some inspiration to be a bit more creative with my own photography. So today it was out with some old curtains, a few lamps and the good old Sepia setting on the camera. The end result didn't come out too badly if you ask me. So happy Easter from we three King's.

A few other updates - well firstly as you have gathered from one of the pictures above Joshua has found his feet and loves playing with them. Tonight he even managed to suck his big toe whilst in the bath! Secondly Joshua tried butternut squash for the first time yesterday and absolutely loved it, devouring a whole pot for his evening dinner. Thirdly, the latest trick of Joshie's is to make a clucking type of noise with his tongue, at first it was very funny and cute, but sometimes he just doesn't stop and it soon gets a little annoying!!! Finally I can report that he is getting closer and closer to sitting up on his own - at the moment he is a bit like a weeble.

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