Brandon is showing no signs of crawling and is doing very little rolling. He does not particularly like sitting on your lap - but he loves being on his feet. Put him in his door bouncer or walker and he is as happy as Larry. Even when we take him swimming he loves standing up in the baby pool and feeling out his feet. He is definitely getting stronger on his legs.
It looks like Brandon's lower teeth are finally breaking through - seems like he has been dribbling and drawling for about 3 months with no sign of any teeth. But the lower front tooth has now broken skin.
Joshua's speech just goes from strength to strength these days and he is picking up so many words and understanding so many sentences. Already we are very mindful of our p's and q's as he copies everything you say. What is really nice is that at bed time when you read him a story you can now ask him basic questions about the book, such as what colour is so and so?, where is the dog?, where is the tractor? etc.etc. and he answers.
Physically Joshua is learning a lot as well. He can pretty much do a two footed jump now, he can quite easily walk up and down the stairs without holding on, kicks footballs, throws darts (garden ones not sharp ones) and he is fearless at jumping in the deep end of a swimming pool on his own. I am trying to teach him to stand on one leg to help his balance but whenever we do it he sits on the floor and grabs his foot to lift it up!!!

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