Here they are boarding the plane.
A farewell wave to Dad and Brother...........
And then at the end of the flight.............
This may look like an innocent picture of Joshua standing in front of a pair of Concorde's wheels. However if you zoom in on his left hand you will notice he is proudly holding a bolt which he pulled out of the wheel assembly (sorry Brooklands!!!!!).
As always you can guarantee that Joshua will spot all the "nee nahs"......... here is the first.
For the next one we managed to get Brandon in the picture as well. More over Fireman Sam, there is a new crew in town..........
Me and my boys posing in front of a few of the plane exhibits.
Meet Pilot Joshua King reporting for duty. Yes his little back pack is his new body harness with a wrist leash which we were trying today for the first time. I have to say it worked very well and Joshua did not seem to mind using it. So no fear of losing the little guy when he does off for one of his "run run run's".
Pilot Joshua takes his Dad and Brother on a flight around a hanger. I guess we must have been distracting the pilot as he turned around to give us a telling off. Please fasten your seat belts whilst the sign is illuminated.
Mummy taking Joshua on a tour through a Wellington bomber. What an awesome plane.
Here are two of the awesome display cars. The Napier Railton and the Bluebird.
The panel behind Joshua has a few switches which allow him to control the propellers in the background. Joshie loved playing with these, "spin spin spin".
So lets get down to the nitty gritty as to why we were at Brooklands. Well James May was there today filming part of his new Toy Story serious. They were going to break the World Record for the longest ever Scalextrix track of 2.75 miles around the olds Brooklands race track. To give you an idea of the scale - below is a picture of one of the banked corners and the black line through the middle is the scalextric track!!!!
In addition to the World Record track they had organised a few other Scalextric events for visitors to participate in. So this was Dad's opportunity to introduce Joshua to the World of Scalextric's. The two main events were a Scalextric drag race and a hill climb up the famous Brooklands Hill.
Anyway after a week of hunting around prior to the event I managed to get Joshua a Lightning McQueen Scalextric car. So off we headed to the drag strip.......... here is me and Joshie at the start line with controller in hand.
And here is Joshua's Lightning car all ready at the start line. The car we was racing was seriously modified and even engineered to pull wheelies off the line. Needless to say poor Lightning got creamed in all 3 drag races. Oddly enough Joshua burst out crying after the first race - we are not sure whether it was the speed, maybe a little reaction from the controller, or just the shock of seeing his beloved car disappear down the track. But after calming him down he was fine for the 2nd and 3rd races...........
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