Looks like Brandon is also showing a keen interest in driving just like his older brother. Here is the little guy getting to grips with his kick and drive from a seated position.

Joshua continues to get smarter, faster and cheekier every day. At dinner time now he no longer seems to eat off off baby
cutlery. Since Mummy and Daddy use big knives, forks and spoons then Joshua has too. And if you don't give them to him, then he will just take yours. Speaking of taking stuff - tonight he ate all his dinner (it was his favourite, sausage, mash and beans). Anyway he ate 3 sausages, then polished off his mash and beans - then he used his "big boys fork" to stab a sausage off of Mummy's plate and declared it "mine"!
One really nice thing Joshua has learnt is "home sweet home". Whenever we go out in the car; upon our return as we pull into the drive I always say to Joshua "home sweet home". He now recognises home and as you pull into the drive he says "
Eee Eee home" or "Home
Ee Home".
Anyway enough waffle - a few more pictures from the boys at
partyman this weekend.

Joshua giving some road rage to the kids in the car to the left - must be a woman driver! Either that or he just run over Postman Pats cat.............
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