Sunday 9 August 2009

Give Us A Bud..........

Is this just the most adorable little face ever....................?

This morning we took the boys to Wat Tyler park with the intention of giving them a ride down to the Marina on the mini railway. We started off with a nice walk through the park and the children's play area. Brandon enjoyed his view from the harness rather than the pram.

Land of the little people - can you spot a Joshie and a Brandon in this picture?

Time for some nursery rhymes - row, row, row your boat...............

Make a wish time.........Joshua enjoyed throwing a few coins into the wishing well.

Then it was into the play area - As you can see Joshua got up some serious speed on the slide and loved falling off the end!

Me and the boys and a big tyre swing.

Eventually we made it onto the miniature railway.

Joshua sat on his own seat very well for the full duration of the ride.
Joshua has learnt "tunnels" now. When ever we are out in the car - every bridge you go under is a tunnel. You can see the look on his little face as the train goes through the tunnel.

On the way back we swapped roles and I took Brandon and Tina sat with Joshua.

After lunch and a nap the boys were off to a pirate themed birthday party at their friends house, Millie and Joaben. They both had a great time and came away with some prizes and a balloon etc. Here is a nice picture of me and the boys chilling.

And then once Joshua went off to play pirates - me and Brandon enjoyed a nice Bud. I think the cold bottle must have felt nice on his new teeth.

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