Saturday 17 October 2009

Guess who is 2 tomorrow?

Who can believe my little man is 2 tomorrow.

Only 1 night now until Joshua's 2nd birthday - last weekend Joshua had some practice blowing out candles by blowing out the scented candles. Joshua still struggles to add the "Birth" bit into "Birthday", so for now it is just his "Happy Day"! Can't wait to see his reaction to his Little Tykes Police Car. I think Joshua has now realised that it is his birthday tomorrow. So final preparations are taking place ready for his party tomorrow.........not sure who is more excited, him or me????

Here is the soon to be birthday boy wearing his new Scooby Doo winter coat - what a nice fit.

Brandon is teething real bad at the moment and seems to suffer far worse than Joshua ever did. One night last week I think we got a total of about 2 hours sleep! Joshua should be so grateful being up in his penthouse and suite sleeping in his big boys bed because he is completely oblivious to anything Brandon gets up too. Oh well, 5 teeth down and only another 15 to go!!! Forget bonjela, we have now moved onto Karvol to see if we can get a better nights sleep!

Looking at the pictures below you would never guess how grumpy the little dude has been last week with his teeth. Anyway as the temperatures start to drop as winter moves ever closer, here are some nice pictures of Brandon in his winter suit.

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