Sunday 18 October 2009

Happy Birthday Joshua - 2 TODAY

Well a big happy birthday to Joshua and thanks to everyone who came along to his party today and made it a very special day. Joshua thoroughly enjoyed seeing all his friends and family. Also thanks for all the wonderful gifts that he received - although it has left us with one major dilemma, where are we supposed to put them all??????????

Anyway as expected Joshua absolutely loved his Little Tykes Police car and has barely parted company with it all day.

Brandon playing with one of Joshua's birthday baloons.

A rare shot of Joshua letting someone else near his new wheels.

As you can see he is not proud of his car - do you think he swallowed a coat hanger upside down.

Another big success in terms of presents was Joshua's organ which his younger brother brought him. Joshua has mastered singing happy birthday to himself now.

All boys have to have a garage at some stage.

Since Joshua shows a very keen interest in art we also bought him this flip sided easel which has a chalk board one side and a white board on the other.

Nice to see that with all those toys there is still time to sit down and read a book.

The kids all loved playing on the bouncy castle. Here you can see Joshua, Ibi, Olly and Izzy.

Time to sit down for a quick bit of R&R with Sophia from next door but one.

Only a quick update for today, but check in later this week for more pictures and news from Joshua's birthday.

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