Well Joshua has now officially moved up into the next class (2 year
olds +) at nursery. Mixed feelings so far as all seemed to be going swimmingly until Tuesday when he had a bit of an off day. We are not sure whether it was because he has a little cough/cold or whether he is not enjoying his new class despite lots of his old friends already being there. On the plus side he did his first bit of school cooking this week and bought home a flap jack which I have to say was rather tasty.
Yesterday Joshua has also received his first ever piece of homework from nursery. He has a series of nursery songs and hand gestures to learn. Then today at his
MiniMends class Joshua was given some crest seeds to grow at home. So we have got to make sure he waters them everyday and then report back on his progress next week.
Brandon is making more and more sounds each day now and is quite often header mumbling away with either "mum,mum,mum,mum,mum......mum" or "dad,dad,dad,dad,dad,dad.......dad". Although I have to confess that unlike Joshua, Brandon did say "mum" before he said "Dad".
Anyway as promised here are some more pictures from Joshua's 2
nd birthday which was last Sunday. PS I am still looking for suggestions from anyone as to what I am supposed to do with all the toys - building a bigger house is not an option!!!
Brandon with "Auntie " B on the bouncy castle.

The birthday boy getting some air time - I think he is trying to show off in front of the little lady!

The "
Rexy" birthday cake "

I'll huff and I'll puff................

Time to chill with a plate of party food and his friends.

This was Joshua's Pinata in the shape of Lightning
McQueen. Well done to Mia for pulling the winning ribbon and opening the trap door.

Joshua opening up some of his many many presents.

Uncle Michael helping Joshua set-up his new safari plane.

Up, up and away................

At the end of the day it was time to pack up the bouncy castle. Even the birthday boy helped.
That's all folks, roll on Brandon's 1st birthday in January!
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