Sunday, 6 December 2009

Puddle Jumpers

Check out the "GO Camping" puddle jumping suits that Nanny bought for Joshua and Brandon. With this suit and his Scooby Wellies, hopefully there is a chance that Joshua might stay dry when he goes on one of his puddle hunts!

And it comes in a matching pair.

Unfortunately no puddles today so the suits just got a trial run over in the park.

As this morning was so wet and cold we decided to take the boys over to PartyMan again. We had an absolute blast and I am not sure who enjoyed it the most out of me, Joshua or Brandon. I think I was the most knackered out of the 3 of us what with all the running around after them both. We thought a morning down PartyMan would wear Joshua out, however for the first time ever Joshua did not have an afternoon nap after lunch. OK so he had a good lay-in this morning until about 8 o'clock, but I am shocked he didn't need a nap and kept going right up until bed time tonight.

Everyone knows Brandon loves playing with balloons and down party man he was given this rather large green one.

And he is the little guy in the space tubes. How cheeky is he sticking his little tongue out????

The two boys together in the space tubes.

Brandon on the move exploring one of the domes.

And finally the three of us coming down the big slide together.

1 comment:

kismet said...

thanx again for the lovely pics, Josh does look so proud of his letter to santa, hope it works. Brandon is not going to be long before he is walking and falling over, and i bet he still chuckles.