This blog was started to share the life of our first baby who was born on October 18th 2007. As the years have passed our family has grown and the blog now also includes Joshua's little brother Brandon King who was born on January 29th 2009 and his little sister who was born on 28th November 2013.
Saturday, 30 January 2010
Brandon Happy Day Pt.2
Friday, 29 January 2010
Happy Birthday Son
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Those First Steps
Also today Brandon slept in his new bedroom for the first time. It was only for his lunch time nap but it is a good start to getting him used to his new room.
Something funny which we have learnt with Joshua is to practice what you preach. Over the months I have lost count of the number of drinks Joshua has spilt. So now when ever he picks up a cup we are always saying to him "use two hands!". Well he has turned it back on us now and when ever we pick up a drink we also have to use two hands otherwise he tells us off! I have lost count of the number of times I have heard "twos hands Daddy!".
Monday, 25 January 2010
Standing Room Only
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Last Of The Mohicans
As everyone knows Brandon has much longer hair than Joshua which means one thing - extra long shampoo Mohican's at bathtime. Tina hates me doing this, but it has to be done. Unfortunately Brandon's hair is too long now and his mohican just flops over.
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
10 Days & Counting
Only 10 days now until little Brandon's first birthday - Joshua has been getting in plenty of practice to help his little brother blow out the candles. Brandon's first birthday is something very exciting for us all to look forward too, however being 1 does have one major down side. Yes the dreaded NHS letter has arrived with Brandon's appointment for his 1 year old lot of jabs (poor fellow!).
If anyone needs ideas for Brandon's birthday then give me or Tina a call. If you are really stuck for an idea then given that he already has a tonne of toys from Xmas and loads of clothes you can always make a contribution to his Child Trust Fund.
Since Brandon is nearly 1 we have started to phase him off of formula milk and onto cows milk. Currently he is having a 50:50 mixture and seems to be downing the whole lot. Also the steriliser is now history - Brandon being 1 year old means the steriliser gets abandoned to the deepest darkest depths of the garage to free up some more space in the kitchen.
Now that the boys are both over the worst of their winter colds we have been getting them back into their weekly swimming routine. We try and make swimming fun and play around a lot in the pool, but Joshua is now at a stage where he also has to start learning to swim properly so we are taking some time out every now and then to get him floating and kicking his legs hard etc.etc.
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
I've Got A Feeling........
Sunday, 10 January 2010
Table For 1
Friday, 8 January 2010
Handy Manny Joshua

Thursday, 7 January 2010
Accident Report
Well Brandon started his first full day at nursery today. He has had phase in sessions for the last month and today Tina returned to work and therefore both boys were off to nursery. No surprises really that he has had his first accident report on day 1 after picking a fight with a table and losing!
Also over the last 2 weeks Brandon has had an ultrasound completed on his eye to confirm that it is a cyst which is not attached to the bone and is not malignant. So there is no urgency just yet but we now need to meet with the doctor and surgeon to discuss the next steps about when to get the cyst removed. Brandon is getting very very confident on his feet now and whilst he is not quite walking, he is certainly taking more risks in transitioning from leaning on one item to another.
Joshua seems to get smarter and smarter everyday and his development seems so rapid. Its amazing how much he has learnt and what he can do now. You talk to him just like any normal person and can quite happily have a conversation with him (even on the phone which now means I have to do the childish talk over the work phone with all the office mates listening -doh). He is also becoming very affectionate and has plenty of cuddles, kisses and hugs for Mum, Dad and Little Brother. Joshua still sleeps in his big boys bed very well and has still not figured out that he can get up at anytime and roam around his penthouse suite or play with his toys. In fact most mornings you wake him up, take him for a wee, and then he will usually say something like "back to bed now" - wonder where he gets that from????? The biggest news on Joshua is that today he wore proper boys pants for the first time and stayed dry in them all day until just after dinner when he did a poo.
Over Xmas we spent a lot of time completing Brandon's bedroom in the penthouse suite and he will soon be ready to join his bigger brother up there. At the moment we are still getting 1 or 2 bad nights a week with Brandon so we are holding fire on moving him up there just yet through fear of him waking Joshua up. As you can see from the pictures below it is looking like a proper bedroom now.