Monday, 25 January 2010

Standing Room Only

4 days and counting.................and if you have forgotten what we are counting down - then you will feel the full raft of this little fellow!

Anyway other important matter - would the 2 people who voted on the poll that Brandon would not be walking by his birthday like to own up? Then if they could head off to the fridge and pull out a nice big slice of humble pie........... Check out the pictures below. The little guy can now stand for a few seconds unassisted and then does 2-3 stumbling steps into your arms.

And as if the walking wasn't bad enough - he can even climb up the stairs on his own now.

The latest with Joshua is that I have started teaching him the alphabet. He can now easily get the A,B,C,D and on the odd occasion the E. Once he has the E then I will add the next letter and so on......

1 comment:

kismet said...

Well done Brandon, I knew you wouldn't let me down and you would be walking before the big day, I didn't realise you would master the stairs as well!
Josh well done on alphabet, bet it is fun learning these things. What a great day we had saturday at Barleylands, we will go somewhere else next time, as long as it has a sweet shop!
We are proud of both of you, and all you are achieving, luv you loads nanny and grandad xxx