Tuesday 12 January 2010

I've Got A Feeling........

............and no I am not talking about the "Black Eyed Peas" song. As I Dad I have discovered one of the most amazing feelings ever. Its the feeling of being bowled over by excited kids when you return from a days work. Last night I opened the front door to first get steam rolled by Joshua who came charging up for a kiss and cuddle. This was very closely followed by Brandon who heard my voice and promptly started bouncing around before darting at break neck speed crawling from the lounge to the hallway to get a cuddle off of his Dad. What a feeling..........

1 comment:

kismet said...

Its a fantastic feeling and is one that as you say will last for ever, wait till they both come running up to you and start telling you all about there day both at the same time thats the next milestone.