Friday, 1 January 2010

The Artists

What Christmas is complete without wearing your silly Christmas cracker hats. It took some time but we finally managed to get the boys to wear their hats longer than 2 seconds in order to get some pictures.

Joshua got a lot of art stuff for Christmas this year and therefore today we had a day which started out making play-do fish and ended with some finger painting. Brandon is a bit young but still got to grips with a pen at the easel.

"Oh no, Dad's caught me with a pen in my hand - busted again".

As for me and Joshua it was up at the kitchen table, aprons on and time to get messy. Since Lisa bought nearly all of the art stuff for Joshua then this first work of art is being donated to her (that's if the umpteen million layers of paint every dry!).

Looks like someone else wants to join in!

This modern 21st century art piece will look great across the living room wall of Joshua's Auntie Lisa and Uncle Dave!!!

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