Only 9 days and counting.............
As everyone knows Brandon has much longer hair than Joshua which means one thing - extra long shampoo Mohican's at bathtime. Tina hates me doing this, but it has to be done. Unfortunately Brandon's hair is too long now and his mohican just flops over.

How about this for a sweet moment. A 2 year old feeding a near 1 year old!! Joshua insists on sitting in Daddies chair at the table and doing the first couple of spoon fulls for his little brother.

Brandon doesn't care, as long as the food gets from his plate to his mouth then he is happy.

For Christmas Joshua got some play-doh and now its almost part of the daily routine that you have to get this out along with various cookie cutters etc. As you can see from below both the boys are getting to grips with the play-doh.
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